Wednesday, October 1, 2014

5 Tips to Improve your Weightloss Journey - Tip One: Change your Surroundings

As I look back at my journey now I can see the fundamental points which lead me to my initial weight gain, but then I also saw the small changes I made in my life which made a huge difference on the scales for me. So below I'm going to share with you 5 tips to improve your weightloss journey - and they were all tried and tested by ME - they are probably ones you may have heard before but these are the things that really stood out and worked for me!

I hope these might help you get past your current plateau, begin your own weightloss journey, adapt the journey your on or simply provide a few tips to help you out along the way.

I am going to be releasing tips over the next few days - So first up is

Change your Surroundings

You may be thinking 'change my surroundings'?? How can I do that and why? 

I used to work in childcare; I was working 7am - 6pm, Monday - Friday and although very rewarding I started to pack on the pounds without even noticing and slowly became the size I once was. It was fine though - well that's what I told myself - No one else noticed, or said anything and everyone else I worked with was the same so for me this was normal.

Fast track down the road a bit to where I changed jobs to working in Real Estate (complete change of careers - I know). I'm working 8:30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday and this is where I lost all my weight and slowly became the size I am now. 

Now how did this change of surroundings affect me and help me to lose the weight I've lost?

Well it was very simple; working in childcare is difficult, you eat when you can, generally eat what the kids are eating and when they are eating (which is all the time) and by home time all you can think about is finding the easiest fastest meal you can shoving it down your gob and then sleeping. And that was literally my routine - for roughly 4 years.

Where I worked we would buy lunch because it was easier than making lunch and I never really had time. My options that surrounded my work were McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and the Food Court (Mall) - So not exactly the healthiest options, but were all options I was choosing because hey it was fast, cheap, tasted like food and gave me enough time to grab it, eat it and get back to work. My work colleagues were the same, did the same, and funnily enough were around the same size as I was back then.

Whereas working in Real Estate although it can be very full on at times; I eat at specific break times (morning, lunch, afternoon), eat healthier options, and actually eat a meal for dinner with my flatmates every night.

I still buy lunch most days but the options I have around me are much healthier than the options I had at my previous job. Here I am surrounded by Subway, sushi, the supermarket, cafes and a bakery (probably the unhealthiest option). Yet it is still relatively priced, tastes amazing and still gives me a decent lunch break. Again my work colleagues are the same, do the same and are all around the same size as me.

Now I'm not telling you to up and leave your job because there is a McDonald's around the corner from your work - but more so be aware of your surroundings and what they have to offer. I was simply making the wrong decisions, surrounded by the wrong options and it took a career/job change for me to notice.

So when you head to work tomorrow have a look at what surroundings you might change? It may be as simple as scoping out other places to eat, sitting with a different group of colleagues at lunch or pre preparing lunch and taking it instead of buying. 

What surroundings of yours are you thinking of changing?

Remember happier, healthier and fitter!

Lots of love,
Milly x

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