Transformation Tuesday
I hope everyone had an amazing long weekend! Did you manage to fit in any fitness?
My first picture that I always show was from my 21st birthday and was the trigger for my initial weightloss journey. Looking back at old dancing pics and a few others I realised that I was actually at my biggest before my birthday.
I was working a 7-6 job, eating whatever and whenever I felt like it, I was still however quite active (dancing, Kempo and workouts etc). My day consisted of eating, working, eating, working, followed by more eating and working then sleeping and then I would repeat. My ability to chose healthier meals and nutritional options turned to the quick and easy options such as BK and McD's and when your working with kids all this food is 'normal'.
I was feeding my body fat not fuel and in return it was giving me back just that - FAT!
Once I kicked my bad habits to the kerb, I definitely noticed a difference. The weight started to drop a lot easier, I has a lot more energy, I was getting a full nights sleep , my skin was clearer and on top of all that my PCOS symptoms started to decrease. (It is generally a lot harder for women with PCOS to lose weight. For more information on PCOS please check out the website: -
You have no idea the wealth of knowledge you start to acquire once you've made the conscious commitment to the happier, healthier and fitter lifestyle. For example you become more aware of food in general - but more so in the areas of what is really in our food, is that really 'healthy' or just processed, portion sizes, healthier options and you become a whizz in the kitchen!
My goal is to also encourage others to begin their journey whether it be a weightloss journey or even a fitness journey. Any journey to better yourself and your health is a great journey to begin. Remember for anyone needing a helping hand or someone to talk to I'm here - I know the road to weightloss can be hard and unforgiving sometimes but with the right motivation and enough support you can do it!
Remember happier, healthier, fitter 😄🍏💪
Milly x